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Your First Name
Last Name
Best Email Address to Reach You In case we have a question about your listing.
Please complete fields that you would like listed to help people find your booth and/or order your products in the off-season.
Booth #
Display Name - for searches & website profile Artisans: include a Business or Booth Name and First Name, Last Name - in order of preference for display. Food Booths: include a Business and/or Booth Name - if you think folks will search by your First Name, Last Name, include these as well.
Business Phone leave this field blank if you do not want to publicize a phone number
Business Email leave this field blank if you do not want to publicize an email address
Website Include your primary business website or Etsy website; only one website can be listed in this field.
Short Description of Artisan or Food Business Share a description of your craft, food and yourself. Please include any additional social media you would like listed such as Instagram, Facebook, additional websites you sell on or a YouTube or Vimeo link.
Featured profile image displaying your craft, food, and/or booth We highly recommend uploading a photo for your listing.
List OCF Jury Approved Crafts with a description of each in your own words.
Type of Juried Products AccessoriesBasketsBeaded JewelryBody ArtBody CareCandles Lanterns LampsCeramics & PotteryClothing & HatsDrawing & Graphic DesignEsoteric ArtsFiber ArtsForgeworkFurnitureGlassworkHome & GardenLeatherworkMassageMetalsmithing JewelryMusical InstrumentsPaintingPhotographyRocks & CrystalsSculptureToysWhimsyWoodworking